Finanziamenti Horizon 2020: aperta la call 2017 per BIO BASED INDUSTRIES
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato, in data 11 aprile, un nuovo bando per la ricerca e l’innovazione nelle tecnologie per le rinnovabili nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020.
Uno dei principali obiettivi del Programma Horizon 2020, il Framework Programme per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione che copre il periodo 2014-2020, è rafforzare l’industria Europea attraverso azioni di supporto alla ricerca e all’innovazione in diversi settori industriali.
Il BBI JU (BIO BASED INDUSTRIES Joint Undertaking) è il partenariato pubblico-privato tra l’Unione Europea, rappresentata dalla Commissione Europea ed il Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), un’associazione di quasi 250 membri che include grandi imprese, PMI, Cluster di PMI, Università, piattaforme tecnologiche ed associazioni di tutta Europa.
Si riporta di seguito l’elenco dei topic per la sottomissione di proposte progettuali:
BBI.2017.D1: Valorisation of liquid and solid side streams from bio-based operations into high added-value products to create new feedstock for bio-based products
BBI.2017.D2: Integrated multi-valorisation of algae into advanced materials and high added-value additives
BBI.2017.D3: Breakthrough primary bio-based chemicals without significant fossil-based counterparts but with high marketability
BBI.2017.D4: Innovative bio-based fertilising products to increase the sustainability of fertilising practices in agriculture
BBI.2017.D5: Advanced bio-based fibres and materials for large-volume applications
BBI.2017.F1: Integrated ‘zero waste’ biorefinery utilising all fractions of the feedstock for production of chemicals and materials
BBI.2017.F2: Large-scale production of proteins for food and feed applications from alternative, sustainable sources
BBI.2017.R1: Valorisation of gaseous side streams from bio-based operations into chemical building blocks
BBI.2017.R2: Innovative technologies for the pre-treatment and separation of lignocellulosic feedstock and complex composition streams into valuable fractions while maintaining key characteristics
BI.2017.R3: Exploiting extremophiles and extremozymes to broaden the processing conditions to convert biomass into high-value building blocks
BBI.2017.R4: Proteins and other bioactive ingredients from side streams and residues
BBI.2017.R5: Novel bio-based chemical precursors to improve the performance of mass consumption products
BBI.2017.R6: Competitive biodegradable, compostable and/or recyclable bio-based plastics for a sustainable end-of-life phase
BBI.2017.R7: Novel secondary bio-based chemicals without significant fossil-based counterparts but with high application potential
BBI.2017.S1: Establish cooperation and partnership with brand owners and consumer representatives to improve the market access of sustainable bio-based productsBI.2017.S2: Identify opportunities for ICT to increase the efficiency of biomass supply chains for the bio-based industry.
La scadenza è il 7 settembre 2017.
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