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Electronic health record: political issues and privacy

di - 18 Dicembre 2015
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Brief index bibliographic
Caine K. – Kohn S. – Lawrence C. – Hanania R. – Meslin E. M. – Tierney W. M., Designing a Patient-Centered User Interface for Access Decisions about EHR Data: Implications from Patient Interviews, in Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 30:7-16, 2014;
Francis L. P., When patients interact with ehrs: problems of privacy and confidentiality, in Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y, vol. 12:171-200, 2012;
Harman L. B. – Flite C. A. – Bond K., Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security, in Virtual Mentor, September, vol. 14, 9:712-719, 2012;
Levin A. – Nicholson M.J., Privacy Law in the United States, the EU and Canada: The Allure of the Middle Ground, in University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal, n. 2/2005;
Manos D., Privacy Experts Debate Patient Consent, HEALTHCARE IT NEWS (Sept. 21, 2009), in;
Miron-Shatz T. – Elwyn G., To serve and protect? Electronic health records pose challenges for privacy, autonomy and person-centered medicine, in The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, vol. 1:405-409, 14 may 2011;
Moore I. N. – Snyder S. L. – Miller C. – An A. Q. – Blackford J. U. – Zhou C. –Hickson G. B., Confidentiality and privacy in health care from the patient’s perspective: does HIPAA help?, in Health matrix (Cleveland, Ohio : 1991) vol. 17(2):215-72.
Nelson G. S., Practical Implications of Sharing Data: A Primer on Data Privacy, Anonymization, and De-Identification, Paper 1884-2015, in;
Pasquale F. – Ragone T. A., Protecting health privacy in an era of big data processing and cloud computing, in Stanford Technology Law Review, vol. 17:595 (2014);
Prins J.E.J., Property and privacy: European perspectives and the commodification of our identity, in Information Law Series, vol. 16: 223-257, 2006;
Schwartz P.M. – Solove D.J., Reconciling personal information in the United States and European Union, in California Law Review, n. 102/2014;
Turk M., How to suture the gap between privacy and efficient delivery of healthcare, in Brooklyn Law review, vol. 80 n. 3, 2015;
Whitman J.Q., The Two Western Cultures of Privacy: Dignity versus Liberty, Faculty Scholarship Series, Paper 649, 2004, in

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